Hotel Cumbres
Lugares de Interesses

Descubra tudo o que há para fazer em San Pedro de Atacama

No Hotel Cumbres San Pedro de Atacama convidamos você a vivenciar a riqueza da região com nossa equipe de guias altamente qualificados para explorar suas abundantes maravilhas naturais e culturais. Equipados com veículos especializados, cada excursão se torna uma aventura única e inesquecível pela paisagem desértica. 

Escolha entre uma variedade de excursões que abrangem os gêiseres, as salinas, as lagoas altiplânicas e os diversos pontos geológicos, arqueológicos e geográficos da região. Melhore ainda mais a sua viagem com delícias gastronómicas preparadas por especialistas no nosso excelente Restaurante Kunza, para ter uma experiência como nenhuma outra. 

Gêiseres del Tatio

Experimente as maravilhas geotérmicas dos gêiseres, fumarolas e banhos de lama ao nascer do sol. 

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Valley of The Moon

This valley is one of the most characteristic attractions of San Pedro de Atacama. We will visit the Tres Marías, Duna Mayor and the salt mines

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Astronomic Tour

This tour that is a true experience for those who enjoy the mystique of San Pedro de Atacama.

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Chaxa Lagoon

Lagoon where you can see beautiful flamingos.

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Cejar Lagoon

Lagoon located in the Salar de Atacama.

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Valley of The Rainbow

We will visit this valley full of beautiful mountains of colors.

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Hiking Guatín

Tour of the Guatín canyon next to the Vilama river.

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Excursão aos Monjes de la Pacana

Embarque numa aventura que começa na estrada internacional de Paso Jama, que inclui 3 paragens estratégicas para testemunhar as impressionantes vistas do vulcão Licancabur

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Exploração de bicicleta

Explore as mais belas paisagens do hotel e arredores do povoado com as nossas bicicletas, disponíveis sempre que quiser.

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Hotel Cumbres San Pedro will schedule the assignment of these excursions on a weekly basis according to the interest of its guests, all subject to confirmation.

Cancellation of AM and PM excursions must be notified at the excursion center before 5:00 p.m. the previous day. Otherwise, 50% of the total value of each excursion will be charged.

 * Valle de la Luna and Laguna Cejar require advance reservation, so the ticket is purchased at the time of confirming the excursion. If you cancel, you must be responsible for the value of the tickets.

* Age limits are for regular excursions to altitudes above 4,000 meters above sea level; It is not recommended for children under 12 years of age and adults over 65 years of age. There are also restrictions for pregnant women and certain diseases and/or medical conditions.

* The start and end times of the excursions may vary depending on the season of the year and the disposition of the communities in charge of the administration of the visiting sites.

(Confirm schedules at the excursion office).

*All regular excursions require a minimum of 4 passengers, except for passengers with an All Inclusive program.